An Experiment in Immersive Storytelling
Part 4 of Giovanni Rosiello's Journal

A photo of a page from an old journal written in Italian.
Giovanni Rosiello's Journal #4

2nd, January, anno Domini nostri Iesu Christi 1651

The day of my birth came and went. I’m not sleeping well. My wife tells me that I have just worked too much for the Bishop. I can’t eat. Food tastes much too strong. Plain bread for me. And water. Just water.

9th, January, anno Domini nostri Iesu Christi 1651

The nightmares won’t stop. I fear there is a succubus upon me. I wake and cannot move. I sweat but I am cold. Still can’t eat. I can smell people and it repulses me. It is so strong. I fear I have been stricken ill. I know it was that damned woman. The Devil in disguise. What ill has she brought upon me? God have mercy. The Lord helps those that help themselves. I shall pray to Him.

24th, January, anno Domini nostri Iesu Christi 1651

What is this sickness? Bread and water taste of ash. I have found I can only eat lamb. God help me. I feel so strong. It is wrong. My bald head is growing hair again. The heathen woman’s touch has afflicted me. I know it. I see smells with my eyes. I hear...shadows. What is this? God, what have I done? 

This is part of an immersive fiction story titled "Absolution" by J.A. Hernandez. If you're unfamiliar with the story, check out the Table of Contents for more information.