
J.A. Hernandez grew up in the Tennessee countryside, far away from civilization—so far away that the little yellow Pegman on Google Maps forever swings helplessly in the air with nowhere to land. The Dark Ages of the Internet still exist in that place, where, even today, the only Internet service available is through a dial-up modem. If you're on one of those country roads at night and you pull your car over, close your eyes, and listen real carefully, you can hear the modem screams in the distance.

He enjoys horror, playing with cats, and hiding indoors away from the sun. Also, books. So many books—you wouldn't believe.

Photo of J.A. Hernandez
J.A. Hernandez, pictured here—knowing what you've done and absolutely knowing what you did last summer.

He believes that stories have the power to influence and shape the world around us; they can entrance us with understanding, perspective, and compassion. J.A. Hernandez writes stories that reflect his experiences in the world—often horror.