An Experiment in Immersive Storytelling
Behind the Scenes:
The Photo Album
Reliving an experience is impossible. The closest we can get is to have some way to trigger memories to recapture our original feeling. It will continue to be impossible until someone invents a way to record memories and then lets you replay them. Since I didn't have access to that kind of machine, I stuck with the old-school analog method: a photo album Tae and I picked up from Michaels. We put it together for Zarina and included every bit of the original story documents for her, like the newspaper articles, Giovanni's journal, etc., so she could point to it as proof that she wasn't entirely out of her damned mind after telling someone that she almost became a werewolf.
I can't publish the whole thing online. In fact, I can't put most of it online because there are secrets in it that random anonymous internet users can't have. Also, it's like 100 pages. But here are a few snippets of what it's like, and the whole thing falls under the category of 'loot' I talked about in the previous installment of Absolution: Behind the Scenes.
That's about all I can show. Most of the pages would require being so heavily redacted that they'd be unreadable, which is why I created the story in a digital format instead of just snapping photos of the album and throwing them onto the Internet.