Blazing Hot Horror, Plushie Rejuvenation, & Adobe Illustrator

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It's been pretty hot here in Texas lately. Going outside feels like getting blasted with steam, so I've mostly stayed indoors. The weather got me thinking that I haven't encountered much horror in really hot/humid environments. There are a few set in jungles, especially in film, but I can't think of many writers, aside from Anne Rice or Michael McDowell, who set stories in this kind of weather.

Part of my novel WIP is set in the South (United States) during the summer. It makes me wonder if that was a bit of a subconscious choice because I like the idea of breaking tropes, and there sure are a lot of tropes in horror, kind of like the trope that puts most horror in nighttime settings—which Midsommar broke out of wonderfully.

That said, if you happen to think of any horror set in hot, humid environments (but not jungles), let me know, especially if the story unfolds during the day.

While avoiding the sun like vampires, Tae revamped two plushies. What a skilled crafting cleric can do with old, rough plushies is amazing.

A bag of Silky Poly-fil stuffing on a store shelf.
I found this type of poly-fil locally (new to us), and it was perfect for rejuvenation surgeries.

In other news, I've been learning Adobe Illustrator. It's going well, and I plan to use it for all sorts of things. I've been using Photoshop for a long time but never picked up Illustrator. When I finish the lessons I'm taking, I'm likely to tackle a few cryptid illustrations.

What's New?

  • Revising, learning Illustrator, and hiding from the heat.
  • Upcoming Into Horror History: An old Scottish street with an elegant specter.