Experiments in Voice Dictation, Strange Tolkien Discoveries, & Abundant Ideas
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I type a lot throughout the day as most of the things I work on—my day job and hobbies—require being on the computer. Analog art has been a great break from this; however, I still do quite a bit of typing. I've been experimenting with voice dictation to draft writing-related things recently. It's been working out pretty well so far, but I think I need a microphone that's a little bit more convenient. I could also look into the different types of voice dictation software that are available. I've been using the built-in Microsoft thing, and it works okay, but it still makes a lot of mistakes, and it seems kind of buggy. Have you ever experimented with voice dictation? If so, I'd love to hear about your experiences.
Unrelated, Tae and I have made a strange discovery related to J. R. R. Tolkien. We did some cursory research into the discovery, and it looks like it's pretty legit. And it doesn't look like anyone on the Internet has ever said anything at all about it. So, maybe it's a brand-new discovery? I'm being intentionally vague here because I want to vet the idea more, and I might even write a lengthy newsletter about it. If so, it will be a lot of work (for me and Tae) and a lot of digging through his books to verify the discovery.

In other news, I've found myself with an abundance of creative ideas and simply not enough time to do them all. Have you ever had this problem? I suppose the thing to do now is to just prioritize them somehow and knock them off one at a time, but most of them are pretty big, so choosing what to do first isn't that easy.
What's New?
- Should we go down the rabbit hole with a Tolkien-related topic or not? Decisions, decisions.🤔
- Upcoming Into Horror History: Ancient ghosts that demanded offerings... or else.