Summer Vampires, Channeling Autumn, & a Pocketful of Ghosts

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If the sun saps energy from vampires, then I'm in a household of nosferatu. Even without going outside, the summertime always seems to suck away energy, momentum, and motivation from Tae and me—and it is driving Cap'n Hammy Pants batty.

So, we've been flouting the season, holing up with blackout curtains, and readying ourselves for the inevitable autumn.

Photo of a cat's ears peeking over the edge of a couch, watching a large black bird, possibly a crow, on a gravel-covered surface outside a window. Bare trees and a slightly overcast sky form the background.
Cap'n Hammy Pants is channeling autumn weather by hunting TV birds.

It probably doesn't help that Tae and I both got sick with...something. Allergies? Covid? Nosfer-achoo?

I'm still randomly rolling for newsletter topics from my giant list, and I've recently hit a pocketful of ghosts. It happens. It's strange how supposedly random rolls start to form little patterns.

What's New?

  • Much Summer. No wow. Stuff hard.
  • Actually...I also created an original piece of artwork for this week's newsletter. It's been a while since I used charcoal, so I wasn't sure how it would turn out. I used a combination of traditional and digital mediums and techniques—including my newly learned Adobe Illustrator skills.
  • Upcoming Into Horror History: A haunted chocolate shop in Chester, England.